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Ocean County Food Establishment Ratings

The Ocean County Health Department regularly inspects food establishments (restaurants, deli's, supermarket's , and any type of business that sells fresh or packaged food items). The Rating's Guidelines are as follows:
  • Satisfactory - Is in substantial compliance with State Health Codes.
  • Conditional Satisfactory - Needs improvement in several areas - as determined by the licensed inspector and interpretation of the State Health Codes. A time limit is set for the establishment to come into compliance and a re-inspection is done in order to assure this compliance
  • Unsatisfactory - Serious or unsafe conditions/violations of the health codes set by the State Of New Jersey.
The establishment would be asked to close until all conditions/requirements are met. Below is a listing of conditionally rated establishments. Also listed are establishments that have improved there status after a conditional rating and now meet satisfactory conditions. This listing will be updated weekly on Friday's.

Initial Inspections 2018-19

Reinspections 2018-19