Breastfeeding Testimonies

WIC Testimony3

“Breastfeeding was one of my greatest accomplishments. I know I was making the best decision for my babies. I loved each day to look in my baby’s face to see them look content and satisfied. Time goes so fast, I was blessed to be able to stay home with the kids when they were little. I made sure to appreciate each day that I was able to be home. I remember being very sick with the flu and mastitis and I wanted to give up on breastfeeding, but when I looked at my baby’s face I pushed myself to keep going. One of the hardest obstacles was when my youngest daughter was diagnosed with galactosemia and I had to stop breastfeeding. I am grateful that I was tandem nursing and was able to still continue breastfeeding my older daughter at this time.”

-Edith, mother of Jamie (18), Aiyana (16), and Jeffrey (15)