The Early Intervention Program focuses on children under the age of 3, experiencing a developmental delay, disability, or has a diagnosis that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay. A service coordinator will talk with you about your concerns. Evaluations are provided at public expense with no cost to the family. If the child meets eligibility criteria for the early intervention program, we will work to assure access and availability of individualized early intervention services. If you suspect that an infant or toddler may be experiencing a developmental delay(s) or may have a disability, seek help early. A referral can be made by calling the Regional System Point of Entry toll free number at 1-888-653-4463.
Special Child Health Services (SCHS) of Ocean County has made a commitment to assist families in caring for their children with complex, long-term medical and developmental disabilites and for children experiencing a developmental delay. For young children, prompt attention to their condition early in life helps assure they will lead healthier lives when they are older.
Special Child Health Services (SCHS) of Ocean County has made a commitment to assist families in caring for their children with complex, long-term medical and developmental disabilites and for children experiencing a developmental delay. For young children, prompt attention to their condition early in life helps assure they will lead healthier lives when they are older.
The program will assist families by coordinating resources for the child with special needs under the age of 22. With parental consent, case managers will work with the child's parent(s) and/or guardian(s) and the physician, to evaluate a child's strengths and needs and develop an Individual Service Plan for the child and the family. Medical, educational, development, social and economic needs of the child and family are targeted. For more information on this program, call 732-806-3931. Caseworkers will also help parents access the New Jersey Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund. Information on this service can be found by calling 1.800.335.3863 or at http://WWW.NJCATASTROPHICFUND.ORG
Karen Barish, Assistant Director of Nursing
732.341.9700 ext. 7302
The Ocean County Health Department works in conjunction with local physicians and environmental inspectors to identify children with elevated blood lead levels and to prevent and control lead exposure where the child resides. Upon notification of a child with elevated blood lead levels, the Ocean County Health Department’s Childhood Lead Exposure Prevention Program works to prevent and control lead exposure by providing:
- Case identification
- Medical case management
- Environmental interventions
- Education and counseling
In accordance with applicable regulations and standards of performance, these services are ongoing through the duration of the child’s blood lead elevation. Call 732 -341-9700 ext. 7604 for more information about any of our services.
Peter Curatolo M.ED, ext. 7685, pcuratolo@ochd.org
This program includes the coordination of access of uninsured and underinsured adults children to dental health appointments, and the presentation of programs to parents, children, and other groups to raise awareness of the vital importance of dental health to the development and health of all children.
The Ocean County Health Department has entered into agreements with the two Federally Qualified Health Centers, Ocean Health Initiatives and the CHEMED, in Ocean County to provide 20 appointments per week to eligible children up to age 18, or eligible adults, in need of dental check-ups and services. In addition, any Ocean County resident who is having pain or swelling related to a dental issue can also be referred for assistance in scheduling an immediate appointment.
The Ocean County Health Department has entered into agreements with the two Federally Qualified Health Centers, Ocean Health Initiatives and the CHEMED, in Ocean County to provide 20 appointments per week to eligible children up to age 18, or eligible adults, in need of dental check-ups and services. In addition, any Ocean County resident who is having pain or swelling related to a dental issue can also be referred for assistance in scheduling an immediate appointment.
Schools, daycare centers, and other providers can call the OCHD Dental Coordinator to request programs for parents and children of all ages promoting the importance of routine dental care. Information is distributed, caring for your teeth is discussed, and toothbrushes and other age-appropriate items are supplied.